
The Manischewitz Company has been making traditional Jewish foods since Rabbi Dov Behr Manischewitz first opened a small matzo bakery in Cincinnati, OH in the late 1800s.

Manischewitz is the nation’s largest manufacturer of processed kosher food products. They're also the number one baker of matzo or unleavened bread in the entire world, and produce hundreds of other kosher foods too, including baked goods, pastas, soups, gefilte fish, grape juice and borscht. Under the Manischewitz, Horowitz Margareten, Goodman’s and Season names, they sell their products to specialty food distributors in the United States, Canada and throughout the world.

Manischewitz GF Matzo Style Squares
Manischewitz GF Matzo Style Squares
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Sugar Free
Manischewitz GF Matzo Meal
Manischewitz GF Matzo Meal
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Non Gmo