Hu Paleo Chocolate

Hu Paleo Chocolate

When we first realized we needed to “Get Back to Human,” we were in the same place a lot of people are today. We tried to live a “healthy” lifestyle — avoided junk food, exercised, read some labels — but we knew we could feel and perform better. Inspired by Jordan’s extensive health and wellness readings and self-experiments and Jason’s successful battles with auto-immune disease, co-founders Jordan Brown, Jason Karp, and Jessica Karp wanted change. Jordan hung up his corporate suit and immersed himself in all things nutrition and food. The trio experimented and researched the gut-brain connection, the causes of systemic inflammation, and the impact of certain foods and additives on our health, immunity, and performance. When all was said and done, the answer was pretty clear: replacing weird, industrial ingredients with simple, healthier ones was the key to thriving, not just surviving. Motivated by their health and wellness learnings, they set out to create a food brand that brought to life their newfound passion and human-centric philosophy.

Hu Kitchen Baking Gems
Hu Kitchen Baking Gems
Corn Free
Dairy Free
Egg Free
Gluten Free
Non Gmo
Soy Free